Murphy Bed Finished!

The Murphy Bed is finished, and we're ready for our daughter and son in law to come and visit us later this month.........and Roxane in April! It was a fun project......for the most part! We're not crazy about the handle design, so may eventually do something different with those. The handles are a pretty important part of the bed. The two center handles are to hold on to while pulling the bed down, and the two outer handles are actually the feet of the bed, so they definitely need to be there. Warren would like to router the edges so they don't look so blocky, but that means another new tool..... imagine that!

Although the cabinet is wide at 64", it only sticks out from the wall 16". I think it's going to work out great for a studio/ guest room!
Here's what it looks like opened up. I think it needs a quilt or painting on the wall behind it, don't you? I better get busy on that!


roxanestoner said…
I looooooovvve it! Now I feel better knowing that I am going to have a nice bed to sleep in..ahahhaha. Can't wait to try it out.
Anonymous said…
whoohoo! can't wait to sleep in it!
Tyson said…
I have about six different routers, and I have to say that you can never have too many. Every job requires a new tool to be able to complete it. That's just the way it is...

Great job on the bed.
Deb Hardman said…
It looks great!

I wanted to put a Murphy bed in my studio too. I was thinking I could somehow use the bottom of it for a design wall, but now that I'm getting a Long-arm machine, I wouldn't have space for it.

I've been away for so long. I had to got back a long way to begin where I left off!

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