How About A Little Shaving Cream With That..............
Yesterday was the Tuesday Dye Club at the Fabric Arts Studio. Jane asked if I would do a demonstration on shaving cream dyeing. This is such a fun technique, which I like to call adult finger painting! A solution of water, photo-flo, glycerin and dish washing soap is mixed, then let to rest for several hours. Once ready to dye fabric, the "solution" is mixed with Procion dye powder. This mixture is then added to shaving cream until the desired color is achieved. There are many ways the shaving cream can be applied to the fabric. It can be "painted" directly on the table in the design of choice, laying the fabric over the painted design and gently patting or braying until the dye is transfered to the fabric. It can also be brushed or stamped directly onto the fabric. There are no rules here............just fun! Once the fabric is dyed, it needs to be "batched". The fabric is placed between layers of plastic for about twenty four hours. Once the curing has taken place, the fabric is ready to be rinsed and washed.
Chris is having fun with stamps...
Here is one of her finished pieces. Nice job!
Carol has placed her fabric over the dyes she painted on the table...
Tana and Laurie are having fun!
The beautiful quilts adorning the walls are made by Rayna Gillman. She will be teaching workshops here April 14-17!
This is one of Tana's finished pieces. I love the marble effect of this one!
Jane is into saving everything these days. These are the paper towels we used to clean up our excess dyes. They look quite pretty, don't you think? Hmm..... I wonder what she has in store for these?
Thank you for sharing!