What, A Quilt??
I love the process of making a quilt, but when it gets to the quilting stitch design I often get very frustrated, one reason this has been sitting around for so long! I knew I did not want to follow the wave pattern for my quilting design, so I pondered what to do. I began by printing a copy of the quilt, placing tracing paper over the top and drawing several quilt stitch options. I decided on random diagonal curves, which criss cross each other, but now how do I want to transfer this design to the quilt? Typically, on my smaller quilts, I use a flexible curve to mark my drawing lines, but it is much too small to cover this quilt. I decided to use string. Inexpensive, easy to move around, and I can recycle it when I get my fabric dyes out. These leftover strings will work great for tie dyeing and wrapping fabric for shibori. I placed the strings in the desirable locations, then marked my stitching line with a colored pencil. Now, for the quilting......
So, here is the finished product. I'm still debating on whether I need to make the quilting lines closer together. I think I'll let it hang on the design wall for a few days before I make my final decision, but I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have.... as long as your comment isn't to rip the whole thing out and start over!
Next time I decide to make a large quilt, I'm going to call one of my long arm friends!
I love the quilt. Bargellos are a favorite of mine although I've never made one. I have the "twisted ribbon" pattern and hope to put one together one of these days. Also, I just discovered a blog with a new machine quilting pattern/idea every day. It's fun...go to www.freemotionquilting.blogspot.com.
Rita from GJ
Roxane, Thanks for your comments. I have to agree..I think it needs more quilting. I need to get in the right frame of mind to finish it up!