Ruby Tuesday......

This is my photo for Ruby Tuesday

I loved seeing this dragonfly on the tail light of our truck. I had to take a picture!


Hootin Anni said…
I'm really glad you told us visitors where he first glance it looks like the shoulder of a red sweater, hanging on a hanger in the closet. GREAT detail on the macro creature!!!

10 ALBUM COVERS = =scroll below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails meme to find my Ruby Tuesday.

Have a great day!!
Deb Hardman said…
It's a beautiful shot Nancy! I Love it!
Marice said…
oh my that is one great job :) you were able to capture that before it flew away real fast!

u may view mine here
Kathy said…
Fabulous capture!
roxanestoner said…
That one is for Jess. Great close up Nancy.
♥ Kathy said…
Oh I love that! Happy Ruby Tuesday

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