The Constructing and Deconstructing of a Whole Cloth Quilt.......
I had the not so bright idea of quilting the fabric first, then silk screening over it. After the quilting began I realized it wasn't such a good idea, so opted to halt the quilting and do the silk screening first. Two screens were made by cutting stencils from freezer paper. One of poppy pods, the other of grass. These stencils were then ironed directly on the screen. Using textile paint, I began the screening process, and was having such fun with this process that I didn't take the time to step back and look at my progress. The poppies and grass were sprouting on the fabric like a fresh rain had just passed through! I overdid the screen printing on one side of the fabric, which resulted in an unbalanced piece of fabric. I decided to cut the fabric into three pieces, and after rearranging them, rather liked them in their new order. No triptychs were permitted for this particular show, so I had to decide whether to choose one of the three pieces for the show, or forget the show and continue this as a triptrych.
I usually don't work in such unorganized chaos, but looking back on the whole process, I'm glad I did it this way, as it was a learning process for me. And to top things off, I got accepted into the show, and received a juror's mention!
Singular Sensations will be shown as a special exhibit at the Pacific International Quilt Fest, which will be held October 14 - 17, 2010 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California.